Sri Lanka


Strategic Plans/ Action Plans/ Guidelines

Description Download
National Strategic Plan on Organ Tissue and Cell Transplantation 2022-2026 DOWNLOAD
National Leprosy Strategy 2016-2020 DOWNLOAD
National objectives for development of physical rehabilitation care DOWNLOAD
HIV-STI Strategic Plan 2018-2022 DOWNLOAD
National HIV Monitoring and evaluation plan of Sri Lanka 2017-2022 DOWNLOAD
The strategy for elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV and syphyllis in Sri Lanka DOWNLOAD
National communication strategy – Towards ending AIDS in Sri Lanka DOWNLOAD
Strategic plan for prevention and management of CKDu DOWNLOAD
National Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Dengue in Sri Lanka DOWNLOAD
Strengthening laboratory services in primary health care institutions – Guidelines – 2019 DOWNLOAD
Policy guidelines for food fortification in Sri Lanka DOWNLOAD
National eHealth Guidelines and Standards (NeGS) DOWNLOAD