Sri Lanka


MOU between Sri Lanka and China: To disclose mystery of CKDu 2016-10-31

MOU between Sri Lanka and China: To disclose mystery of CKDu
Chronic Kidney Disease of uncertain origin is the major public health issue in Sri Lanka affecting 12 districts with large number of cases being reported from North Central Province. As a result many human lives are lost. This also cause high morbidity among the people in the affected areas leading to catastrophic situations with a huge adverse impact on the society. Although large number of studies were conducted over the years the cause still remains unknown.
The President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, His Excellency Maithreepala Sirisena has taken initiatives to renew Sino-Sri Lanka relationships between the government of Sri Lanka and Peoples’ Republic of China. Under this initiative Hon. Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, Dr. Rajitha Senarathne requested Chinese government to extend the cooperation in solving mystery behind CKDu in Sri Lanka. As a result a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine and Chinese Academy of Sciences on 25th October 2016.
The MOU focuses on conducting further research to identify the possible causative factors for the occurrence of Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown origin. It also provides capacity building of Sri Lankan healthcare staff on preventive and curative aspects with regard to CKDu. Some of the other important areas of the MOU are exploring biomarkers for detection of CKDu, strengthening the existing Renal Registry and updating the relevant statistics.
This was signed between Hon. Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, Dr. Rajitha Senarathne and Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Zhongli Ding.
The event was witnessed by Dr. Sujatha Senarathne, Dr. Palitha Mahipala, Director General of Health Services; Mr. Janaka Chnadraguptha, Additional Secretary (Development) of Ministry of Health, Mrs. Shani Karunaratne, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Sri Lanka to China; Prof. Min Yang, Deputy Director General, Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Mr. Yiqi Jiang, Deputy Director, Division of Asian and African Affairs, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The event was also participated by Dr. Asanga Ranasinghe, Dr. Upul Gunesekara, Dr. Pubudu De Silva, Mr. Titus Cooray and Mrs. Madubhashini Mahakehelwala.
To initiate the research activity a high level delegation with relevant expertise from China is due to visit Sri Lanka between 15th to 20th of December 2016.